Let's think nano

Solo la migliore qualità

Forniamo prodotti ortofrutticoli coltivati ​​secondo standard qualitativi globali.

Chi siamo

Egypt Nanotech Company con sede al Cairo è orgogliosa del suo contributo allo sviluppo del potenziale di esportazione di prodotti freschi e congelati dell'Egitto.

Visione e missione

II nostro prodotto

Scegliendo i nostri prodotti non solo riceverete prodotti deliziosi e sani, ma avrete anche la garanzia della loro qualità e sicurezza.

Frutta fresca

Verdure fresche

Meloni freschi

Frutta e verdura surgelate

Perché scegliere noi


We offer only the finest fruit and vegetable products that undergo rigorous quality control. Our products are produce in compliance with all standards and regulations, ensuring their quality and safety.

Direct Courcing

We work directly with farmers, allowing us to maintain competitive prices and minimize delivery times. This also ensures transparency and full traceability at every stage—from the field to your warehouse.

Flexible Partnership

We understand the needs of each client and offer customized solutions that meet your requirements. Flexible delivery schedules, various order volumes, and special conditions are all available to our partners.

Timely Delivery

We guarantee that your products will be delivered on time. Thanks to our logistic network, we can ensure prompt delivery across the world.

Support and Service

Our team is always available to assist you at every stage—from placing an order to receiving it. We value long-term partnerships and do everything to make your cooperation with us as convenient and successful as possible.

Innovation and Growth

While some of our staff are specialized in Nanotechnology Applications so we are currently developing techniques for example Nano Spray Drying and Microwave Vacuum Drying to enhance the final powder products quality. Implementing modern technologies and optimizing processes all contribute to making us a leader in the industry.

Nano-Organic Production

We are planning next year to start Organic Farming combined with Nano-Agriculture to produce Nano-Organic products which will be the most healthy and most eco-friendly fresh fruits and vegetables.

Vi invitiamo a collaborare

Siamo pronti a offrire le migliori condizioni per una collaborazione proficua e reciprocamente vantaggiosa.
